Sunday, May 18, 2008

ode to the Jacaranda tree

I think some of stereo types about living in Southern California is that we have nothing but palm trees and that we don't have any seasons. We in fact have both! yes, the seasons are not up in your face. They are more subtle. You just need to look for them. My favorite time of year is spring because that is when the most beautiful tree in the world (in my humble opinion) is in bloom. The Jacaranda tree has a very short time span when it is in full bloom. My street is awash in purple for about a month. I am often found with my neck crooked upward staring into the branches of these beauties for the whole month of May. Here are some pics for my friend Britta in Germany who had never heard of one before. Now you don't have to google them my friend :)


Kitty said...

It's a pretty interesting color, very distinctive.
I can't imagine a whole tree this color!

Britta said...

Hey my friend Dana! Thank you SO MUCH for these awesome pics! And for especially mentioning me *lOl* LOVE THE TREES! Now I am awaiting your layouts *lol*
Can you tell me more about how you notice the seasons? What is it gonna be in Fall (when we are gonna be there)?
Thank you so much for this great post and your sweet comments on my blog!