Sunday, October 5, 2008

Attending a Palin Party

This is my friend since 5th grade.. Lisa. She is a big time Republican party supporter and huge fan of Sarah Palin. So she calls me on Friday night and says she scored some tickets to her rally in Los Angeles the next day and wants me to come along. This could be a very amusing request considering that I am known to her family as their "token liberal friend".. but she knows that I am always up for a new adventure and that I am absolutely always open to hearing all sides of any issue before I form a decision. So off we went on our road trip yesterday. This is her holding the sign she made for the big event. This was just one of many interesting signs I was to encounter during the day.
This is us waiting in line with the over 20,000 other people that attended and had to wait several hours in some pretty tight security to get in. (notice our new friend behind us trying to get his face time in our shot)
Since I have never been to a rally, I guess I was suprised at the protesters present. As we waited to pull in to the stadium we had our windows rolled down and the several hundred protesters were booing us and throwing flyers in our window urging us to stop "voting with our vaginas"......There were even more protesters standing inside who were yelling back and forth at the rally attendees while we waiting in line. Planes were flying around with messages and the news media was everywhere trying to catch a good sound bite. I wouldn't say that anyone was particuraly hostile but there was some pretty bold language and some harsh comments passed on both sides of the party.
I was really impressed with the amount of people who came out to support the process and a leader they really believed in when there is so much negativity about politicians these days. It really is something to feel the energy of a group of people gathered together with a common cause and the feeling of empowerment that you get that you can make a change.

This the actor Jon Voight who gave one of several speechs to create energy in the crowd before the big rally speech. Here's the woman of the hour and yes, she is just as pretty in real life as she is on T.V.
I am really glad I got a chance to attend and have one of those important reminders about one of the privileges that I have living in America.. sorry to get all patriotic on you but just thought I would remind everyone to appreciate some of the gifts we have and urge everyone to make sure to vote next month. Have any of you ever attended a rally? Did you have a similar experience?


Alex said...

Nope, never attended one - sounds kind of intense. And, I am very much a liberal - LOL! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

Greta Adams said...

i would have loved to have been there....i did get to meet and have my pic taken with bush last i know many people don't like him and i normally don't get into politics but it was cool to be able to meet and talk with a president of the united states and have your pic taken with him....

Greta Adams said...

and for the record i fit into the more liberal party as well...LOL

Anonymous said...

You are one brave chica to go to that.

Mrs Pretzel said...

LOVE that you went no matter WHAT your stand!! Good Good. I haven't been to a rally... a small town meeting when I was a kid... I think for governor at the time... it was neat when I was little!! lol I'm having trouble deciding. Don't REALLY like either one...

Debbie Doughty said...

Great pics! Were you that close or do you have a great zoom? I saw Robert Kennedy at a parade/rally the year he was assassinated. I was nine or ten. Even though I was young I will never forget that sad time in our country's history.

Jocelyn said...

Good for you for attending! We need to hear all the candidates at this point with the mess that we are in right now! Than was funny with the vagina! Wow, some people are just over the top. Love all the pics and you looked great! This is going to be one tough election! I just wish they would stop the ugly smears and tell me what they are going to do to in clear terms! OK, enough of the election stuff! Love ya, friend! Thanks for the kind comments on my blog!

Jocelyn said...

Forgot to tell you that I tagged you on my Blog! Go check it out! 7 random things about you!

bethchien said...

Was that guy wearing a big vagina?!! OMG! That is hilarious!

It looks like you guys had a very interesting time. :P

Have a good week!

Holly said...

OMG! Those signs were hilarious. I had to do a double-take at the big purple vagina. Wait....was that what I THINK it is? Yup. Sure is. LOL! I've never been to a rally before. And, I can't stand Sarah Palin. I'm from Alaska, and am keen on all her old tricks. ;0)

Anonymous said...

That looks like it was a fun experience, im like you, i wouldve gone for the fun of it regardless. I dont think ive ever been to a rally, if i cant remember then i guess i havent, lol .....

Sarah said...

OMG What an amazing experience!! No matter what side you're on. We have to have the worst natural disaster for the Prez to come here...

Aimee Ann said...

wow, that's a really nice cooter. ;)

Lisa said...

Sounds interesting! I can't believe the walking vagina!

Anna M said...


"Voting with your vaginas" - even I am offended...NOT!

I went to a rally for Bill Clinton a few years back. It was not that eventful with the exception of Jimmy Buffet playing. I HATE Jimmy Buffet!

Sorry for my blog negligence! Prepare for some blog l♥ve!

liz mataraza said...

very cool! what a neat experience that must have been. and i'm surprised there are actually republicans in LA. who'da thunk?

dianna said...

She was here just the other day~I missed it but I heard it was quite exciting*!*

BTW...I don't vote with my...well, you know. I prefer to use that no. 2 pencil they give you to fill in those little circles....just a little easier and not as gross.