Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Lucky Me!

Look what my sweet friend Hime gave me! She is one of my wonderful blog friends who lives in France. If you haven't checked out her terrific blog scrapissime then click here : http://simply-hime.blogspot.com/. I always look forward to seeing her blog because she always has something positive to say and is super creative. She also always takes the time to put an English translation on her posts for me! She says I am supposed to pass this award along to 7 other talented bloggers. I don't think I know that many, but if any of you would like to be the recipient then... it's yours!


HIME said...

Hihi real ad just for me. I'm joking, really you worth it :-)

Just added your blog link. it will be easier for me to come back.

bye (it is late here !!)

Greta Adams said...

oh i am off to check out her blog...i need the vibe of positivity....grrrr!!!!


Christi said...

off to go and check out the blog....wonder if I'll be one of the 7...lol just kidding!

blank said...

what a sweety!!! :) Great blog as well!